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Rajyaseva ECONOMICS by Samadhan Patil Dy.Sp

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Course Overview

Economics is one of the subjects included in the MPSC Rajyaseva examination syllabus. Aspirants preparing for the exam need to have a good understanding of basic economics concepts, microeconomics, macroeconomics, Indian economy, and current economic issues.

  • Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC): MPSC is a constitutional body responsible for recruiting candidates for various posts in the state administration of Maharashtra, India. The Rajyaseva exam is one of the most sought-after exams conducted by MPSC, and it selects candidates for positions like Deputy Collector, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, etc.
  • Economics as a subject: Economics is a crucial subject in the Rajyaseva examination. The economics syllabus may cover microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic development, Indian economy, public finance, international economics, economic planning, and various other topics.

Course Highlights

  1. Syllabus coverage: Thorough coverage of the entire economics syllabus as prescribed by MPSC for the Rajyaseva exam.
  2. Conceptual understanding: A focus on building a strong understanding of economic concepts, theories, and their practical applications.
  3. Current affairs: Integrating current economic issues and developments in both national and international contexts. This is essential as the Rajyaseva exam often includes questions on recent economic events.
  4. Practice tests: Regular mock tests and practice questions to assess and improve candidates’ knowledge, time management, and problem-solving skills.
  5. Study materials: Comprehensive study materials, notes, and reference materials to aid candidates in their preparation.
  6. Experienced faculty: Experienced educators and subject matter experts to guide candidates through the complex topics of economics and prepare them for the exam effectively.
  7. Revision and doubt-clearing sessions: Regular revision sessions to reinforce learning and doubt-clearing sessions to resolve candidates’ queries.
  8. Current economic trends in Maharashtra: Special focus on economic aspects related to Maharashtra, such as state finances, economic development programs, etc.
  9. Interview preparation: Some courses may also include interview preparation to help candidates perform well in the final interview round.
  10. Please note that the specific highlights of any course may vary depending on the coaching institute or educational platform offering it. If you are considering such a course, it’s essential to research different providers and their offerings to find the one that best suits your needs. Always check the course details, faculty expertise, reviews, and success rates before enrolling.
Start On March 23, 2023
Duration 180 Days
Price 2,000.00

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